Hello! This is my professional technical and coding portfolio. I recommend the gdevadmp.c, Queue.cs, VMware C♯ and PowerShell and xfrchk.cpp code samples below. Thanks for taking a look!
Coding Samples
One of my first Applesoft/ProDOS (read MICROSOFT) BASIC programs, ca. 1992. Still trying to determine the upper-bounds of an numeric variable after all these years. At least 3.45678901E+09 and counting (somewhat slowly and quickly at 2.8MHz.)
Stripes a ROM image across multiple files. This small, little script helped me to upgrade the system firmware EPROMs in my MicroVAX 2000, in order to support the 12MiB memory board. I ran it on the same machine, but had to optimize from sub-shell to in-shell arithmetic due to the expense of fork(2) on that hardware. Public domain.